The glow in your flow
In all parts of the world your greatness dwelt,
In all your speeches great wisdom is felt,
Your intelligence is just top-notch
Your haters are subdued under your watch.
Your good deeds are just extremely unique,
You have abundance of what others seek,
Your goodness open you doors of favours,
God's blessings, your life easily savours,
Your smiles send warmth to comfort troubled hearts,
Your beauty sits well on top of the charts
Your well shaped body is one of a kind,
Your friendship stays pure for long in the mind.
Your work is well rewarded with success,
God's favours shine in your life beyond guess,
Hence, God's blessings in your life is plenty,
And God's glory on your life is many.
Copyright © Maclawrence Famuyiwa | Year Posted 2024
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