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The Football Major

The Football Major By Elton Camp Though the big oaf can kick a football so high, Of skills for college work, he lacks a good supply The old saying is true in his case without a doubt “Behind the door when the brains were passed out.” But there is a provision that gives him great elation Because he can always major in physical education He can learn all about the types of sports of today, If he passes enough courses, he’ll be eligible to play Will he ever be eligible to get his bachelor’s degree? If there are compliant professors who to that will see Then he may walk out the door, sheepskin in hand So a job coaching football he will be able to land Then a “Master of Education” from an inferior school And as principal, the big oaf will finally come to rule Though a coherent sentence he is so unable to write, Others cover up and the coach will come out all right Those far more competent than he, the coach can fire And in their place, some of his sports buddies to hire What message to the students does such as this send? It’s not what you know, but who that matters, friend

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 5/20/2011 4:42:00 PM
Gwendolen, I agree about the intelligent athletes. I was specilfically thinking about those physical educaton majors who go on to become coaches and then principals. By no means do all athletes major in physical education. Alabama is a State with a football fanaticism so perhaps my own experience isn't typical of the nation. But over decades in education, I've seen this many times. Thanks for reading and for your sensible comment. Elton
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Date: 5/20/2011 10:55:00 AM
Your point is well taken---altho there are some wonderful and intelligent athletes out there, I believe you are making a big generalization. Fun and intellectual write. Enjoying your ideas on this one too. Gwendolen
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