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The Flavor of Greed

Oh Afghanistan at least you'd 20 years of relative peace and shine Perhaps you had it all back in ancient times but the truth of such matters patina over time.. Now all the good has come to a cackling end peace has swallowed a scorpion's tale... again. Although maybe a seed has been planted maybe a more rugged rose will emerge from the sand and rock and heat the rough tongue of dogma and ideology Oh maiden Afghanistan you'll soon have many seducers tapping your door because you don a trillion dollar lithium undergarment maybe that's what the bloody fuss was really all about... blood for a pair of lithium panties- blood for oil..its all the same blood for the newest flavor of greed...

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 9/10/2021 4:31:00 PM
Hello my friend.. such a great write, I know its from your heart, and makes all my own so called issues pale into insignificance..... I hate any loss of life, I especially hate the sight of babies and children suffering.. Why is life so cheap..? Not just in Afghanistan, but all over the world... Keep writing my friend, you have a voice.. Best DAMO
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Date: 9/9/2021 9:13:00 PM
Whoa, Anthony.., thanks for telling it line it is, I die from the freaking lies sla CNN aka SIN. Women were beheaded today. Nobody gives a hoot...till the sword will be on our necks, Also a Fav, big fav*=+++++ Pangie
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