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The Flashlight

The obstacles and dangers are rarely seen Walking with no lamp in the cold dark night. When the big moon hides behind the screen, Flashlight fills the mood in transparent light. Beyond the scary realm unseen noises reign, From the abandon overgrown world, My nature is clear when the flashlight flame Bring something incomprehensible into my soul. Weary nights cloaked in the static darkness My breath being the only sound without sight, Flashlight in the night being a guardian of bliss Turning the dark environment into pure light. Apocalyptic corridors use the night shadows For the clandestine haunting complex. But my flashlight is like the old battle arrows Fly, through the air meet doppelganger reflect. In the night, seeing flashes of neon light Our universe waiting for tomorrow to come flashlight blinding strobe move the frighten sight to dawn, till all the goose bumps are done.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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