The First Time I Saw You
The first time that I
Saw you, I could not
Find the right words
To say
What I felt so deeply
Within my heart which
Outwardly on my face
Was now displayed
For the first moment
When I saw you, my
My mind was no longer
Finding as the seconds
Passed by quickly
I found myself losing
All track of time
I knew I would need
You near me, for it, felt
Like I would surely fall
And I was no longer the
Same person, for at the
First glimpse of you I
Was falling in love
I wanted to elude you
And time after time
I would surely try
For I never wanted to
To end up like a leaf,
Falling down from a
Tree branch up high
But you have captured
My fallen heart and
Your love would simply
Not let me be
I tried so hard to keep
Away from you, but our
Meeting was forsworn
By destiny
For the longer, I tried
To stay far away, the
Deeper would become my
Inner blues
And I found it harder to
Stay away because day and
Night I only thought of you
And the realization
Finally embraced me,
Informing my heart
Of its helpless plight
That only one option
Would be available to me,
I had to embrace your Love
To end my sleepless nights
And I sought you out
The next day diligently
With a fervent hope I
Could make you believe
That there would never
Be happiness in my life
Without your love always
Being a part of me.
April 1977, written
During the first week
I saw and met My wife.
Copyright © Wendell Brown | Year Posted 2018
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