The Faithful Scribe
A river of faith runs deeply through time
flowing dark in ink from carved mountainsides
dipped in fountains held in ancestor’s washed hands.
Each pious sofer kneels, facing the Holy Land.
He leans on the wisdom and shoulders of sages,
passing down their blessed tales through the ages.
Holy words of God recited, all penned with care
upon parchment pristine, never stained or threadbare.
Sacred prayers read by lanterns are solely hand-traced
and perfected with calligraphy practices graced
by love and traditions carried through years shared.
These sanctified scrolls are still delicately prepared
and with devout observation, are opened in temples,
words artfully scribed by faithful rivers in ripples.
Written 6/26/20
Contest – The Old Scribe
Sponsor – Craig Cornish
Copyright © Rhonda Johnson-Saunders | Year Posted 2020
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