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The Faeries

Bracken breached hawthorn hedgerows hide teeny folk with tiny toes. Sheer gossamer wings; shy butterflies Dew-drops lit by dawning skies. Sandy hair, blue raven locks Auburn streaks on chestnut stalks Valley lilies invert to hats Wee portabella mushroom caps. Acorn shoes with resin soles Lace gartered legs and leafy shawls Dresses spun from brushed lime silk, petal pinks, or white as milk. Impish grins stoke laughing smiles. whimsy’s sound sets music’s tiles Curious eyes, small budded nose cream tinted skin, pink cheeks aglow. They live near boles of ancient trees Drink nectar from a hollowed seed They climb the stems of hollyhocks They twitter but will rarely talk. So when you take a morning stroll pause beside to a sun-lit knoll The calls you hear mightn’t be birds and cricket strums won’t mimic words.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 10/13/2019 7:56:00 PM
This is such a delightful have your cadence down perfectly and such witty rhyme. a fav for me!
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Date: 10/13/2019 3:28:00 PM
Rally really cool
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Date: 10/12/2019 10:59:00 PM
beautiful poem, excellent imaginative writings
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Date: 8/20/2016 3:14:00 PM
"Dresses spun from brushed lime silk," a getting right down and in with the little folk. Such sensitive imagination is so rare. I send you Iomindia. I rarely send the poem to even friends because reaction to fantasy is rarely positive. I let a couple of intellectuals read my masterpiece and they had ho hum reaction. Ah, but you will understand because you are capable of coming out of self. This poem of yours is among my few favorits. A little masterpiece. Love and hugs, daver
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Michelle Mac Donald
Date: 8/21/2016 12:02:00 PM
I am honoured to be called one of your friends, Daver.:) It's fun to climb out of one's restrictive skin. I appreciate being sent one of your own masterpieces, Thank You!! I'm back into writing 'December Fog'. Excited stars that twiddle then twitch...reminds me that they giggle nervously. They will surely see what the faeries are up to? I can't wait to read "Iomindia". I saw a cat painting...was so very creepy. A relining angora with round 3D human eyes.:( Morosely ugly!! Hugs and love to you! Mikki
Date: 5/5/2016 1:49:00 PM
I entered in the fairy tales land with real pleasure. You are great! I should like to be the shy butterfly in the wonderful grove of your gentle poems. Once, I also tried to follow some enjoyable characters: Little-Thought-Bittle and Ladybird (Septepunctata)
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Michelle Mac Donald
Date: 8/21/2016 4:27:00 PM
I am listening to the Pan Pipes...Petruta Küpper - Einsamer Hirte , at the end of one session, was played amazing grace. She seemed to weep with sadness, but I truly believe it was from the joy of the overwhelming moment. It was touchingly beautiful. I think that you truly are the shy butterfly, Ovidiu.
Date: 2/13/2015 11:06:00 PM
Dear Mikki, I have to stop myself from reading all your posts in one go I want this feeling of awe to last forever. Every one I read is so perfect in form and creates such pictures in my mind your words weave magic. I call Eileene enchantress you I name as one of the mousai. Happy Valentine's Day my wonderful friend. May your day be filled with love and happiness. Love Shane xxx
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Date: 3/18/2013 7:39:00 AM
"Tip toe through the tulips........." Remember Tiny Tim? This doesn't make me an admirer of old Tim, but the quaint sensation is what your poem is all about. Right? Mikki, you are at your best in this sort of vision. I absolutely adore your work. Such talent is so rare. Big love, daver
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Date: 9/20/2012 3:33:00 PM
love it,,,, I know some fae folk ,,,, I wrote one called I WAS There Watching" you have a blessed day now.
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Date: 8/2/2012 9:26:00 AM
Curious that I should stumble on this one, when I have recently celebrated the little folk in my own submission! :-)
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Date: 7/25/2012 8:48:00 AM
I love your little folk, and the description is so absolutely dainty and miniature that i have to catch a breath. One of your best of many. Love, daver
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Date: 7/15/2012 6:55:00 PM
‡ Enchanting As Straight From The Page In A Fairytales Scene ? Hey Beautiful Michelle, Sooo Happy That Your Loveliness Dropped A Note Amid The Box In Com * I Don't Know But I Feel Kind Of Like Winona Ryder In 'Girl Interrupted' As Of Recent Days ? Maybe Its The Weather Or Just The Fact That, Well, Sooo Much Beauty; Kind Of Overwhelms Myself Sometimes ? I Love This Wonderful, Brilliant & Light-Hearted Pleasant Verse As Most Surely I Also Do, Beautiful Fairy Girls * My Luv, Rachel ‡
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St.Cross Avatar
Rachel St.Cross
Date: 7/15/2012 7:14:00 PM
‡ . . "Faerie," & They Sound Sooo Precious & Lovely . . ‡
St.Cross Avatar
Rachel St.Cross
Date: 7/15/2012 7:09:00 PM
‡ Ooops, I Meant Beautiful Farie Girls, Sweet Michelle * Luv, Rachel ‡
Date: 7/15/2012 3:18:00 PM
Nice rhyming, alliteration, description... Terry
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