The Exorcism of G-Bad Pt4
My little bro has some news
He tells it real slow
Stage 4 in his lungs
Time left he doesn't know
My disbelief, denial, I couldn't face the fact
No way, they're wrong
The world felt like it was gonna crack
Each month it spread, another organ or a bone
Why him? Please God. Leave my bro alone
Watching this disease took me down to my knees
Take me instead I plead, i've always wanted the release
I was the ass who deserved it
Rob was always the better man
I had rebuked God, sold my soul
So I couldn't understand
He's got babies at home who need to have their dad
The ******* I was, self admitting I was bad
The guilt since he died, still brews in my mind
But the despair and grief, it's hard to leave behind
Still to this day, I scream into the sky
Profanity laden, asking why he had to die
Copyright © Cc Browning | Year Posted 2017
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