The Empty Nest Syndrome
The empty nest syndrome
Looking up, into the skies, clouds form
an empty nest, it becomes the norm.
I do not desire to know the empty nest syndrome!
Yet must, as my young Bird seldom comes home.
It is a natural process- an inevitable course for life,
yet it is difficult to accept, worrying, living with strife
as one observes, in horror and looks, with fear,
into the eyes of all you gave to, seeing it slowly disappear
into the groping claws of ?, losing what is Dear,
to the insanity of this insane, as he takes hold
of your beloved, young Daughters innocence, to mold
her – with empty promises – into the likeness of him,
this punk, pr~ck, as~~ole demented, who’s light is so dim,
shadow cannot be seen, life for my Beauty, is a black hole abyss
from which she may not escape – a good life she will miss –
from this place, this place she sees not nor able to rise above,
thinking she feels ?, believing his feelings are love,
this sh~t he lays on her – this sick demented f~ck
who uses, abuses, plays her, drags her into the muck
because he can, because of her naiveté, her obsession,
her insecurities, her innocent beauty, her depression.
In his life time - an innocent cute ty, never !, never !,
again to know, as never before, nor after – ever !
It is no wonder, under his thumb, he keeps my Melanie,
trapped by all – his and hers – she unable to set herself free
as he plays his mind games – threats that will not let her be
a woman, on her own – in the right hands - that I might see
come to maturity in all her beauty – not to be – to high the fee !
B. J. “A ” 2
October 2nd 2004
Copyright © William J. Jr. Atfield | Year Posted 2014
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