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The elevator man

He was fearful that if he fell asleep, lithium batteries in his cells would leak. A new prescription his psychiatrist wrote and that's how he started on Depakote.. His ups and downs were hard to endure. One day he seized on the kitchen floor. There wasn't a history of seizures before. In time he grew so darn depressed that most mornings he could barely get dressed. His psychiatrist put him on Vraylar. Soon he was flying high, like a rock star. Eventually became delusional and wrecked his car. The psych. scribbled while drumming one thumb, and put him back on his Lithium. People stop blaming "the elevator man." He's taking his meds. He sticks to the plan.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Date: 12/4/2023 6:03:00 PM
This is really sad. So often they don't know which meds will work and which ones won't sad that this happened. My friends daughter took her life a few years ago she was 40, her pshychiatrist told her if you want to kill yourself that badly why don't you just do it and she did. When my friend tried to call him, he wouldn't take her call, this was heartbreaking to say the least,
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Nancy Kaufman
Date: 12/6/2023 3:40:00 AM
Hi Rose, I'm so sorry for your friend's loss of her daughter at such a young age. I've been trying desperately to be there for some one close whose meds. were changed and it's an up hill battle with unaccountable psychiatrists who only monitor by phone for ten or fifteen minutes and alter their medication with out truly knowing what is going on behaviorally.
Date: 11/25/2023 4:08:00 AM
The struggles of one that has to take psychiatric medication etc so well depicted. Lithium, for delusions so i am assuming it is bipolar? I love the way you told this story dear Nancy. You write about so many various subjects and you always leave a thought for readers to comprehend and ponder upon. Sending you light today and always
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Nancy Kaufman
Date: 11/27/2023 8:44:00 AM
I feel so empathetic to those people who suffer with that condition, given the lack of accountability of psychiatrists and the pharmaceutical industry. It's horrific to have some ones brain chemistry altered and then just put them back out there with out supervising them properly. Mental health is definitely connected to some of the mass shootings in this country. Thank you for commenting Ms. Ink and hope you had a good Thanksgiving break.

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