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The Dyslexic Knight

Back in the first millennium, Putting the world to rights, There lived a king called Arthur With a band of gallant knights. They did things democratically, Seated round a table. Although the lines are slightly blurred Between true fact and fable. The knights were known for gallantry, Fighting many a foe, And saving maidens from dragons. They were always on the go. But one knight had a problem, Which I’ll tell you about directly. He had a thing called dyslexia And didn’t read thing correctly. Now everyone knows that knights of old Were meant to be very chivalrous. But he just made a joke of it. He’d read the word as frivolous. Every year he made pots of jam, With varying success. All down to his habit of saving Damsons in distress. He wanted to hire a cleaner, To give his wife a break. So he offered the job to Nineve, The Daily of the Lake. He had a dozen children, A strange situation, he felt. For, each time he went off to battle, His wife wore a charity belt. Arthur sent him off one day To find the Holy Grail. He came back two weeks later And handed the king a snail. And then he solved the problem. So now he reads quite well. He consulted Mervyn the Wizard. And we all know he could spell. 25th February 2020 Your Favourite Legend contest Sponsor - Chantelle Anne Cook

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 2/25/2020 5:12:00 AM
Haha what a fun write
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