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The Dunce of the Class

The Dunce of the Class By Elton Camp Alas, the poor dunce of the class He was just barely able to pass Couldn’t read until third grade Not many brains in that haid About math let’s not discuss For he rode on the short bus But football he managed to play That was where his hope lay To state college he took a trip Thanks to athletic scholarship The dunce finally eked a degree As a physical ed major you see It was a coach that he then became Director of a violent child’s game For a few seasons, he could win But then he couldn’t do it again But once a coach has been hired Very rarely is he simply fired To the school’s lasting shame, It was principal that he became He still struggles to read or write Secretary keeps him out of a tight Academics have gone down the drain As long as principal he does remain

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 11/27/2011 5:07:00 AM
Elton, good poem ,shows us people make it anyway they can.
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