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The Driving Award

The Driving Award By Elton Camp At the early meeting that started the day, Captain to state troopers had this to say: Each of you watch for a driver who’s good, One who does everything just as he should. A new way to encourage safety we broach. We will now try a more positive approach. Find a driver who merits it in your eyes. Have him stop and award this cash prize. The Captain distributed envelopes with bills. “We hope this program will solve some ills.” Perhaps the high accident rate we can trim, If motorists know, for safety, we pay them. Officer Joe spotted an excellent prospect. Not a single error in driving did he detect. He pulled the car over and offered the prize. The auto’s driver showed fear in his eyes. The passenger commenced to say: “For driving lessons he can now pay. A driver’s license it may be he can get, So seeing a cop won’t make him sweat.” The back seat passenger gave a shout. “He never knows what stuff is about. That’s just a bunch of foolish bunk. He said it only because he is drunk.” Then there came from the car’s trunk A noise that, at first, seemed a clunk. In an accent thick as a speech disorder: “Senor, stop? Are we over the border?”

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 11/12/2010 6:12:00 PM
Hah! That was great! Thanks for sharing!
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