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The Door In the Closet Pt.3

As I waited on the Constable I wondered why the gate was open and the front door locked, by whom? The Constable arrived blowing his horn at the front gate in an old Dodge pick up, real old Dodge Pick up It looked as though the whole bed was full of wood, God I don't need that much, I thought to myself Howdy Thar Richard, he said in that Maine drawl I brought your wood for ya, take what ya need Tell me Richard, you shur ya want to do this? never too late ta change tour mind ya know To go home I mean, no one bendin your arm here No Constable, I'm sure I want to check this place out Names Arlin, Arlin Danforth, though most folks call me Zeeke, Thats what you can call me too, if ya like Neva been a man set on formalities and all Sounds good...Zeeke, I'm Rick as we shook hands We finished loading the firewood in my SUV, I took about half, and told him thanks a lot for the wood If ya need anything else, give me a call on that portable phone ya got thar, with that he left, in that old Dodge When I arrived back at the front door, I went up the porch fumbling with the key Zeeke just gave me for the door, and found it not only unlocked, but open about two inches, The same door I knew was locked. So it begins, at that point I figured I had best retrieve my EMF meter and take a look around a bit, before bringing my things in the house. My EMF ( Electro-magnetic field) meter was turned on and ready, just in case, well ya know If there was any paranormal activity going on around me it would light up in a flash, it had seven lights depending on the level of activity, with no lectricity as Zeeke would say any reading it showed would be subject to investigation To my right was a staircase winding it's way up stairs with a window (uncovered) about the only one, lighting up most of the area, and most of the entry way as I grew near the staircase the meter sounded, four out of seven. Well now! To be continued

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 4/24/2010 5:04:00 PM
great Rick! Makes me wish the book was in front of me so's ah could keep a readin on it! God bless y'all. Bob
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Date: 4/22/2010 4:59:00 PM
good hanger--you left me on the edge of my seat!!
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Date: 4/22/2010 9:03:00 AM
Can't wait to read one two and four, if you do continue with the story..p.d.
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Date: 4/22/2010 8:44:00 AM
Very interesting, Richard. You leave the reader wanting more. Love, Carolyn
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry