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The Doghouse

Upon this floor I sit, huggin' the porcelain bowl; My stomach's tied in knots, Feels like I'm gonna blow! I should'a used my head, why didn't I ever think? Instead I hung around, to have another drink! One led to another, another led to more; Next thing y'know I was drownin' on the floor! My buddy was a savior, he drove me to my home; Pickled down in agony, I find myself alone! My mouth's a watery mess, the bathroom's in a spin; Sweat pours from my brow, right to my pointy chin! Dear God, can you help me?! I was such a fool; Can you pull me through this? please tell me what to do! For some apparent reason, God fails to show; Now I'm on my own, just thought I let you know! Uh oh!!...Here it comes!! Damn, that really hurt!! I missed the bowl completely, an' it's rollin' down my shirt!! My head's all awhirl, I'm passed out on my back; What started out as dim, is now completely black! I wake up in the morning, in a cramped lil' space; Something wet and slobbery just swept across my face! Boy, don't I feel stupid, like a caged lil' mouse; Someone dragged me from our bathroom and shoved me in the doghouse!!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2008

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Date: 1/15/2010 9:41:00 AM
It would be funny if it wasn'r sad too..sigh..1 of those experiences in a lifetime was MORE than enough for me ...;) Light & Love
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Date: 11/19/2008 5:38:00 AM
Congratulations on your well deserved poetry being featured this week Milton. Love, Carol
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Date: 11/17/2008 3:01:00 PM
Couldn't help it, Milton, I busted a gut all the way through your poem. Thing is, I've been on the bathroom floor a few times myself. If you can't laugh about it, you got BIG problems. Congrats on this one. Love, daver
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Date: 11/17/2008 12:01:00 PM
Got a good chuckle out of the ending in this one. Congratulations on having your poem featured. Wishing you continued success with your writing. Karen
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Date: 11/17/2008 10:18:00 AM
Interesting write! Congratulations on your featured poem! Laura :)
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Date: 11/17/2008 9:19:00 AM
Fun write, Milton. Congratulations on being featured. I've been in the doghouse so long that when I wake up in the morning I scratch for fleas. God Bless. Good to see you featured. Vince
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Date: 11/17/2008 6:17:00 AM
Funny, Funny...but I may be on your wife's side!! Congratulations on being featured this week, regardless!! LOL ~ Carrie
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Date: 11/17/2008 3:55:00 AM
I laughed from beginning to end. Sorry I just couldn't muster up any sympathy for your pain. It is just too funndy! thanks for lifting my spirits. Good one, Milton. lainie
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Date: 10/29/2008 8:08:00 AM
Wonderful humour, Milt!
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Date: 10/28/2008 7:00:00 PM
Been there! I spent a lot of time in that dog house. Vince
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Date: 10/27/2008 11:08:00 AM
Thanks Milt, I know you were being silly - that's why I love it! Personality! All the best. Love, Shar
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Date: 10/22/2008 9:35:00 AM
Very funny! I have been in the doghouse. The poem is a fun read and if flows very well.
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Date: 10/22/2008 6:23:00 AM
LOLOLOLOL!!!!! Milton, you are too precious. If I had a favorites list I would surely put this one in it! What a morning lift! Totally hilarious! Told ya I needed this. : ) You are awesome!!! Love, shar
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