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The Dinner Party

The elephants were feeling down As pachyderms oft do. The cockatiels were quite depressed The chimpanzees were too. The mood among the jungle crowd Was in short quite low, When a young Hyena yelled, “I’ve got guys, I know!” We should throw a dinner Party To stop us feeling dismal, But please don’t ask the vultures round Their manners are abysmal. “Splendid!” called the warthog, Very much excited, “How will we let the others know That they’ve been invited?” “Easy!” cried a young gazelle, Getting rather heated. “Tell the parrot who should come, He’ll find them and repeat it.” “What shall we eat?” exclaimed giraffe, “I tell you, that’s the question. ‘Cos if I have the tigers grub Then I’ll get indigestion!” “Who’s invited needs more thought.” The wildebeest all said. If we ask the lions round They’ll eat us up instead.” “What ssshall I wear I asssk you all?” They heard a grass snake cry. “The monkeysss might all fit in ssssuits, But how on earth will I?” “We’ll never find the table cloth.” “And who will do the dishes?” “We’re running short of cutlery.” “Where will we sit the fishes?” They argued on all through the night, But came to no conclusion, And in the end forgot their plans Amidst all their confusion.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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Date: 2/5/2011 1:51:00 PM
Interesting! Loved it! Looking forward to reading more. I give it a seven. Dana'lynn
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Date: 2/4/2011 4:26:00 PM
Very fantastic and expressive write on The Dinner party, Rufus
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