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The Diary of Lord Kellington (18) Finale.....?

I am a pandora's box. Let loose upon an unsuspecting society. Once my night life begins, complications arise. Let me pen an example. Keep in mind, it was not my fault. well, not entirely. I awoke in my usual good humor. I dressed with my usual care. I gave more than adequate time to the choice of parties to crash. I fed Crystal. Picked up her toys; dead mice and a human ear she had gathered from some unsavory alleyway. Kissed her upon her flea ridden cantankerous little head. Then I stepped outside of my crypt. Pandemonium ensued! Young lads running hither and yon. Screaming! Bodily functions letting loose. Not mine, I should add. You see, it was all quite innocent. Upon my stepping into the moonlight, one of the young bucks, at that exact same time, jumped out from behind the bushes. Which flank my lair. He had on the most ghastly costume. Red cape. Black tie and tails. Fake fangs! Fake blood dripping from whitened lips. I may have over reacted....a tad. My preternatural instincts erupted. I saw, briefly mind you, a rival in my territory. I went from the Gentleman of night time adventures, to my full Monstrous glory, in the blink of an eye. I dropped six inches of battle fang. I bulked up to three times my normal, quite muscular, size. Ruining yet another splendid jacket. Oh, what to tell my tailor? There you have it! Young men, out and about, on an All Hallow Eve's lark. Running about as if the Devil himself were after them. When it was only I. ~Lord Kellington I hope you have enjoyed our little journey with Lord Kellington. In what must be just a snippet of his long lived life. I grew to love his wit, his charm, his devil may care attitude and his kitten..Crystal. But, the time has come. I now close the cover on this dusty Tome, to place it, reverently, upon my bookshelf. Maybe, on a stormy, wind swept night, I may take it down, to open it once again. Or perhaps, Lord Kellington, is at this very moment searching for his lost Diaries. To save them from prying eyes, such as ours. Wanting to kill all who now know his secret. He could be in your home right now. Hear that sound? It wasn't a floor board, nor the house settling. Nor the wind. As you are now engrossed with your reading of my warning, he could be standing behind you....right now. Reaching out with hands like claws. Fangs, ready to rip out your throat... LOOK OUT!! Happy Halloween Bwwwwwaaahahahahahaa

Copyright © | Year Posted 2010

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Date: 11/5/2010 6:39:00 AM
I'm so glad me Lord isn't dead,well you know what I mean.I've enjoyed his company through you Paula.Wouldn't like his actual company though.Mind you I had some garlic last night.I could breathe on him.What will happen to Crystal?She can't live forever,unless he has a taste of her.But wouldn't that be perverse.Going to miss storytime and the banter,it was fun.As for trying to scare us,you're the one with the book,who's been telling tales!Till the next time,Great big thank you. Love June
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Date: 11/2/2010 2:20:00 AM
Well BRAVO Paula!! I was sad to read this ending-- but yup loved how you ended it with a ? in your title-- I would definitely look forward to a sneak peek at this adorable vampire's diary! Thank you so much for sharing this very entertaining read-- really enjoyed this ^_^ I think I am in love with Lord Kellington hahaha kidding of course ;) I wouldn't want to be dinner! hahaha :)
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Date: 11/1/2010 10:04:00 PM
Paula, I would have liked to see a more "complete" conclusion, but you did like a "teaser"of a tv series. You left the door wide open for more "to come." You are masterful with these tales of Lord Kellington. I really enjoyed them, dear. And I love how you tacked on this extra part at the end here. LUv, Andrea
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Date: 10/31/2010 9:24:00 AM
BRAVO!! You came up with a terrific ending for your Lord K series. I had images of the Incredible Hulk mixed with Dracula when he reacted to seeing the teen parading in a vampire costume. I really love storytelling and you have quite a gift for it, Paula! You gave us quite a treat (or trick?) this Halloween. Love, Carolyn
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