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The Devil Went Back To Heaven, Part Ii

...“ ‘There’s this Hitler guy who’s trying to kill every fallen Jew that happens my way, you think six million would’ve slaked his thirst, but he still rants and raves, seeking to slay. “ ‘And there is this Stalin S.O.B., who brings souls close and pretends he’s their friend, the randomly butchers them in a purge, the bastard just tortures them to no end. “ ‘Worst of all is that vicious Mao Zedong, who’s killed one hundred times more souls than me, and relaxes by raping little girls, a ‘connoisseur’ of their virginities. “ ‘Not to mention that jackhole Genghis Khan, in the last week he’s stabbed me seven times, he still thinks himself as ‘God’s Punishment,’ how do I deal with a mind that malign? “ ‘How do I punish them for their Earthly sins, minds more consumed by evil than my own? Half the things I do just give them ideas more vile than any demon has known! “ ‘The Pol Pots, the Castros, they’re bad enough, but then there’s the damn serial killers, their numbers small, their methods obscene, I swear I’ve never seen creatures iller! “ ‘One who killed children, then did things depraved, another nutjob fond of Barbershop, he dressed his victims up like a quartet, then he would pose them in his kitchen to rot! “ ‘And then there’s the common sociopaths, even those who’ve had no taste of killing, it’s true I’ve felt not much good for the world, but those cold bastards truly feel nothing. “ ‘It’s not a question of good of evil, they never considers morals at all, that’s something the Father never allowed me, even during the worst depths of my fall. “ ‘After centuries of living with them, of checking my back for blades every night, I’ve come to realize what Dad’s bee saying, come to understand he’s always been right. “ ‘That’s hard for someone like me to admit, since I have never been lacking in pride, but even my stubbornness can’t down out what I’ve come to realize deep inside. “ ‘Evil is not a tool that I can just use to strike at Father when I desire, once used it keeps burning, out of control, searing more than the worst of Hell’s fire. “ ‘Combined with Free Will it leads to things that corrupt the fabric of creation, I see my own sins by watching these humans… and pray I can find reconciliation. “ ‘I’ve made my peace with being His servant, I tire of my name being a curse, please say that He hasn’t given up on me, I do not think a fate could be much worse.’ “ CONTINUES IN PART III.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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