The Dead of Night
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I had a night terror
It's not unusual but of course it's not something you can ready yourself for
They are always 30 minutes after falling asleep
This one was that I was tricked and, well I don't want to describe the reason for my death
All the air left my lungs
The trouble is, that's exactly what happened
I sat up unable to take a breath as the dream became the reality
That blurring is terrifying
The physical reaction of heart and lungs real
Your mind still holds the narrative and image of why you will die any second
Then slowly a detail creeps in that doesn't fit
Typically it's dark, so you don't know how your eyes are playing tricks and which reality exists
It takes a second to stop physically trying to save yourself
It must be seconds...
Then reality spins into view
And I managed to drag in just enough air to sustain until I could once again breathe
But it's not over, you're left feeling unsafe to close your eyes
You remember what it feels like to be powerless to stop your imminent death
I have a sore throat today so I know the closing of my airway was very real
I've lived those seconds before death many times over
It doesn't get easier
Copyright © Di11y Da11y | Year Posted 2023
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