The Day the Devil Hacked God's Computer
The devil did hack God’s computer
And gave it a nasty virus
Now when he tries to upload the sun
All that pops up is, Miley Cyrus
God asked “If I could try fix it”
The program, I couldn’t find
Just funny pictures of cats and dogs
And a contract from death, still unsigned
Now, I have been trying for ages
But a solution I still cannot see
I’ve reset it to factory settings
Tried deleting all history
For now, it seems we are stuck
With Miley staring down from the sky
Men, young and old, so confused
Not knowing whether to laugh or to cry
Now, Miley’s OK… up to a point
But she hardly brings the world light
If God doesn’t find a solution soon
We’ll be condemned to eternal night
Though God, has at last had an idea
Probably the best one he’s had
He’s going to run the world from now on
From an app, on his personal I-pad
Though God really should have known better
Protected his precious P.C.
God should have had a safe password
God, should have installed McAfee
©Gary Wayne Hill, 2019
Copyright © Gary Hill | Year Posted 2019
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