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The Day That Mary Lost Her Tooth

The day that Mary lost her tooth She felt quite scared to tell the truth. It’s strange for her to thus behave As generally she’s bold and brave. Examining her tooth so white, She clenched her fist and held it tight, And through the day inside her head Began to dread the thought of bed. When as usual bed time came Poor old Mary felt the same She felt the gap between her gums And trudged upstairs all sad and glum. One eye open, one eye closed She crossed her fingers and her toes She snuggled down beneath the cover Remembering the words of mother. “If you’re good and go to sleep And promise not to stir or peep A fairy comes and takes your tooth And leaves a coin by way of proof.” This promise is what worried Mary. She found the prospect rather scary. To think some grubby little thief Was breaking in to steal her teeth. Deciding she would stay awake And catch the sprite who’d try and take Her favourite tooth, her bestest one, Sadly fallen from her gum, She gathered up her teddy bears (Just in case they might be scared). She hid herself behind the door And settled down upon the floor...... .....Mary woke and scratched her nose She hadn’t meant to have a doze Fighting off her sense of doom She held her breath and crossed the room. She pulled the pillow from her bed And raised her hands above her head, For what she spotted underneath Made her shout in disbelief. Fifty p., that’s not so bad! She babbled to her mum and dad Fifty p. for rotten teeth! This’ll buy me loads more sweets!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2011

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