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The Day I Switched Classes

"Miss Stokes, what do you think Pip was thinking?" Uh-oh. I possibly should not have pretended to be my twin today. I am taking her classes, pretending I am sick, rather than she. This is 7th grade English, and I have not even heard the word Great Expectations because my twin hates English as much as I despise math. In my English class we are tearing sentences apart and doing boring tree things out of them. Um.... "I think I have to go to the bathroom!" I yell, clutching myself, running out of the classroom. My classmates laugh. Some have been laughing through math and science too. They all know which twin I am. It is only the teachers who cannot tell us apart. I return to see a pop quiz face down on my sister's desk. The first question is about Pip with enough space to write sixteen paragraphs. I begin cautiously. "Pip is a wonderful dog," I write.....

Copyright © | Year Posted 2019

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Date: 1/31/2019 10:15:00 PM
I'll bet that every teacher you had in school can remember you.
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Caren Krutsinger
Date: 2/1/2019 6:09:00 AM
My 2nd grade teacher that only lasted a semester knew my face instantly when I walked into my girlfriend's office 38 years later, so maybe that would be a yes?

Book: Reflection on the Important Things