The Dawn of a City
The dawn of a city
The dawn of a city.
With chirrupings of
those last left sparrows.
With husky sounds of the engines
Of those big fat wheels.
With the small kludge of people
Running besides the footways-
Some waiting on those bus stops;far..
Some jogging with sweaty showers..
The dawn of a city.
The temple bells twinkling.
The laughter of the yogis;filling the air..
The juniors with their heavy bags;seem tiring.
The dawn of a city..
Then the almight settles in the blue.
He doesn't complain.
He doesnt't remain same.
Wating for the dusk;he slowly darts.
The dawn of a city..
This is the beginning of that tiring life.
The life to reside in city;the affect that lasts.
We often scribble of those peaceful days
In those country yards.
But how would you see there-
The city's hazy start..
The dawn of a city..
Copyright © Aman Khaneja | Year Posted 2015
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