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The Dark Side of Hope

At first he was pitied for being enchanted by the necromancer. For it was obvious that he was lonely and misunderstood. His followers still wanted so deeply to believe he had some goodness inside of him - despite his emerging inability to demonstrate attributes of the "human condition." But as he sailed deeper and deeper into the abyss of her chasm, he became more and more unrecognizable as the Son of his Mother and Father, or dare say, a Brother to any other living soul. It became clear that he was destined to be with this humanity-eater. He was drawn to the grafting with such force that no showing of love or faith could retain him; and they became united as devourers of souls. While he believed himself to be the provider, the malignant parasite gorged the remnants of humanity from his flesh. She consumed his life-force with gluttony then reciprocated with exorcised fecal remains - because even her own vile carcass could not tolerate the waste product of this symbiosis… He became a scavenger worshiping at her deadly fins. And as he foraged from the scraps of false affections tossed at him with cloaked antipathy, what he refused to know was that he cannibalistically fed on himself. This is why he now gleams reason from madness. And why he believes there is light from shadows. For when you become as empty as this, even your reflection disappears… and the blackened silhouette of a once human form is all that remains. And even on this day, although his disdain is common truth, hearts still bleed deeply with remorse. To be clear, however, there is no mourning for him. Rather, tears are wept from the loss of hope once felt for him – and they flourish the sea which now casts him apart from humanity. Does hope really float? When things are at their darkest and heaviest on our heart – is hope what gives us light, and keeps us light so that even during the most desperate of journeys it guides us through and keeps us from sinking into darkness? Or does hope simply shine truth that darkness is an inevitable counterbalance? He has always been only an apparition of a man by mankind’s standards; with a soul tethered to darkness. And his shadow is now only seen through reflections in the puddles of hopeful eyes.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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