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The Dandelions Were Listening

I never did the ''He loves me not.... He loves me'' game with flowers. I already knew nobody loved me so why should I listen to a stupid flower? I did make wishes on dandelions after the bloom died and it was tiny spikes of fluff waiting to blow away till next year. I hated wasting my time but I couldn't resist. I figured ''If there's even a small hope that this will work.... I've got to try! '' I would find a spot where nobody could see me and I'd whisper my one wish the same wish every time. Thousands of dandelions blown away by my pleading breath. I never told a soul my wishes. Until now. I wished to be happy one day... with a husband who loves me and kids who love me. I wished so hard... I never thought those dandelions were listening.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2006

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