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The Cup of Wine

THE CUP OF WINE My life is drowning in sorrow, tears rollover my face every time I look at the difficult situation I have to go through, I have so many battles to fight in the meanwhile a war at hand, I ask myself will I win. So am left with no option but to lift my cup of wine, I take a sip and it boosts up my mood though it is killing me deep deeper and deepest, and so I ask should I give up wine. Time only makes us old, my life is fading slowly and quietly so that no one can save me. If you want know my fears and anxieties just look at the river going east, so loud stand up otherwise shut up these are the words that run in my mind, am confused though I look pissed but am at ease, I know my time will come soon so am afraid and tired of losing to me. Am on a relay though no one is chasing I keep going forward to pick up my cup of wine because it gives me sudden healing and on the long run death to its fullest the earth opens wide and the land in my dreams keeps calling me to a wonderful fairyland without trouble and fear. I have a hungover today but work keeps calling I have no time to waste so I will fly off the ground the earth if falling in, the world is falling out so I can beat all my pain and win for without pain there is no gain, I was taught to be punctual for without punctuality we are animals, ooh my cup what a waste they say wine makes me week yet it is my strength. In my weakest moments I think of my cup of wine, I cherish it and I make sure not to break it and I can’t be broken even though am forsaken in this situation I need a liquation so that I can go through litigation

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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