The Cuckoo Is Silent
A team of Japanese scientist check their watches
agree, but cannot agree on the date to reveal
what they are hiding now from curious eyes.
Without the ability to look
through a time-telescope. I cannot figure out
what they are up to.
Archeologists have discovered possibly the first
Black Forest cuckoo clock. It has been authenticated,
but I don’t know by whom, and the cuckoo
is silent.
Bits of history have been magnified out of all proportion.
Future flowers wither on their stems before we
get to see them.
The front of the train never sees the caboose.
Perhaps the past and future exist on parallel lines,
perhaps the Cheshire cat has forever lost its smile?
We keep repeating unlikely tall tales
until we have to believe, even if they are
and always will be,
just theories.
I don’t know what will become of tomorrow
when today is so distracted by its place in the line,
and we wait pensively
for time to discover that we are really
not even here yet.
Copyright © Eric Ashford | Year Posted 2021
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