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The Condemnation of Creativity

It’s very difficult to start to write as soon as inspiration come that have done it leading legions of others duties, wants, desires, tricks and trifles have occupied you around at all. Suddenly you mad for cup of cave or filling bit a hunger, or preferred exercise, making yoga or just want to scratch your left hear with right forefoot. Often you cannot sit at table preferring rode on it or break dance on your head, or crawling under table and trying to write in such extraordinarily position. You have to do much other oddly things before you starting work and even after it. As Richie Blakemore played hardly with guitars In right position and backward, turn it fast around body plying so virtuously eventually broke instrument on the stage, as Gogol smashed the table when he finished to write a page as a Balzac flooded room chained himself to table and put his foot to cold water. before a start to write, as Michelangelo ready to stone everybody coming to him at work without his pleasure, when he pained the marble celling of Sicts Chappelle, As a God merciful who created this astonishing Universe with billions galactics stretching billion light years to far with Black Holes and Black matters and abreast of times and efforts spent, from larvae’s to dinosaurs and mammals and human-like apes, from Neanderthals to Homo-sapiens before eventually emerging you and me in this blue planet as a top creatures and miracle of nature. Yes it’s very difficult process that so strong possessed before you start to work and able to do something really valuable.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2014

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