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The Colors of Love

Love can give the warmth and glow of a golden sunny day, the joy and laughter of a heart at play. With love comes the bright red of fire, when one is consumed with passions desire. Loves gentle beauty and grace can leave on your face a soft petal rose when loves fire recedes to repose. When love is errant and untrue filled with hurt and pain it can turn ones life to sad and blue. When love is threatened from dark forces seen or unseen the color of love quickly turns to green. If love is lost or just gone away it can turn life dull and the color of gray. Love in view all around but none for you to be found makes the world seem ugly and brown. Now with an eye you do espy a chance for love anew on comes the white light of hope for you. Love once again bright and new gives an orange and gold tint to the wonderful future now in view. The embers of love's fire dances with life once again as it begins it's life anew. So on goes the rainbow of love with varying color and hue.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 9/6/2012 3:59:00 PM
Dear Terri....I think I exhausted every colour when it comes to love, like you have! Excellent poem! Hugs
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Date: 5/13/2012 9:09:00 PM
Love this poem Terry.Nicely you have related different colours with different aspects of love.Great thinking here.
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Allen Avatar
Terry L. Allen
Date: 5/13/2012 9:28:00 PM
I am always looking for something different. I get tired and board with the same old fare and don't want things I write to become tiresome. So glad you stopped by Huggs friend TLee
Date: 4/26/2012 6:46:00 AM
How well colours do fill our lives...wonderful use here...and I like the line ..."makes the world seem ugly brown..." oh how I hate the colour brown ;) very depressing...great use! Keep writing my friend! big hugs,love deb
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Allen Avatar
Terry L. Allen
Date: 4/26/2012 2:55:00 PM
I do my best to search out topics that others don't necessarily think of but can still relate to. Thanks for the kind words. Lots of huggs TLee.
Date: 4/14/2012 7:26:00 PM
Another masterpiece Terry...A lot of thought given to this one ... Added it to FAV..Thanks for sharing - Diana
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Allen Avatar
Terry L. Allen
Date: 4/14/2012 8:13:00 PM
I try very hard to write things that are out of the norm, if anything just for a change of view. I am so glad that you enjoyed this piece and hope you will find others of my collection just as entertaining. Thank you so much for this kind review.

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