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The Cold

What are you doing? No, don’t do that! Don’t play with the cold. Make sure the doors closed tight. Make sure the seals hold. That’s how it’ll get us, that’s how it’ll win. That wind that you hear, it has evil within. All of nations, all of our own. Forced into this captivity because the world let us go. Now just in thousands the billions we were. The ice came on quickly the cold grew and grew. Don’t play with the cold. Don’t invite it in. This insulated prison is all we’ve got and it’s thin. We’re blocking the outer rooms with what we can find. We’ll lock the doors soon and retreat to the central hive. The plan is to freeze us cryogenically! In fifty years some will be set free. If they can’t find an end to the cold. They’ll retreat for a century and check again more. But, until we’re all frozen but alive in the Dead Sea we can’t let it in or proper dead we will be!

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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