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The Challenging of the Upcoming Scandel's/Wayne Streeter Co/Writter

The upcoming scandels, are just a phone-call away, for truly the president is laid in-waiting of a drama of improper scrunity soon any day. The faces of democracy lies and all, will soon show their ugly faces in this upcoming-fall. Just look at the Health-care issue and the shame brought on by ignorances and persecution just because he's (black) when will we all live to- gether in harmony and do what is right. Yes I've already had nightmare after one another and like no other night of rapture and capture the destiny of mindless folks. The upcoming scandel's, the mockerie of a banging, what's next, a good ole barnyard hanging. Come on people, come to the light, when will all come together and do was is right!!.. He deserve a chance for romancing the stone, but alone, "he can do nothing", pull of your h??d and show your true you the world is suffering of you being you. Noone is perfect Mr. Obama and him too has problems just like you and I. The Challenging plural of society is we are sure to blame, that's the name of the game, Republican and Democrats you're soon shall all face the death of hopeliness if the unstretch hands of love don't soon come with respect. There's a long-way yet to go "The Challenging of the upcoming scandel's", please find it in your heart of hearts to just say, "NO"....

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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Date: 5/16/2016 10:56:00 PM
Sharderra Duke, creative and well done. Thank you for sharing. **SKAT**
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Date: 5/14/2016 2:46:00 PM
SHARDERRA, Fantastic writing, glad to read your poem. ~Love LINDA~
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Date: 9/22/2009 4:00:00 AM
Thank you for sharing your poetry with us Sharerra. Interesting writing. Love, Carol
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