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The Cancer of Africa

Our Shame, "PRESIDENT" & "LEADERS" Full grown men, old, devoid of vision, Lacking in wisdom, wicked weaklings protected by paltry paid gun men great grandfathers, unwilling to train Younger Leaders. Untrained themselves in morals & reputation, Liars, Tired & fickle in frame, feeble. opaque, lacking imagination, These exalted clowns, drawn from rickety defeated military, All but a weak one from the creek. Gangsters, Elevated as Presidents, or Governors and Leaders, We are Trapped, fooled by cynosure of degenerate, immoral men, destinies robbers, watching the drowning of a once rich Giant. confined felon, demented through age rogues as Presidents, Senators, Governors, Protected by corrupt Police and a demystified compromised Army, Oppressive DSS, Abusive servants of the masses, robbing the future of unborn kids, denying all in the midst of Plenty, shaming us all. We have no Leaders Yet. None since 1960. Profligate band of men, overtaken by fraud & moral turpitude, A merry-go-round by failures, sixty Plus years after Muzungu, Illiterates still in charge of our destinies, Despised in Ghana scorned in Zambia Overtaken by Ethiopians locked out by Botswana Denied by Rwanda disgraced in Libya Mocked in South Africa Bared in sane countries where corruption is an indelible blot, incarcerating the guilty away from sane men. These crooked Old recycled Failures, Destroyed, ruined and damaged destroying still. unwilling to retire in their dishonour, Killing, abusing and incarcerating Young men who dares tyranny. A former Giant, Now a Crawling Giant of Africa, Beggarly borrowing amidst plenty. Over two hundred million divided mass, waiting for “godot” . procrastinating liberty for fear and docility A country of Countries Ruined by Military men masquerading as democrats through tyranny A Cancer in Africa.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2021

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Date: 11/7/2023 9:25:00 PM
demented through age - no, actually at any age they are, when they get the taste of power. They would have retired if they were real politicians. Liked your protest poem. thanks.
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Oluseyi Akinbami
Date: 1/1/2024 7:37:00 PM

Book: Reflection on the Important Things