The C Bomb
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~ about my husband being diagnosed with cancer ~
Listen to poem:
there he was
in his white coat
afraid of our reaction
as he dropped the C word
we watched it bounce off the floor
and hang there suspended
no one reaching to grab it
we all sat there with a blank stare
pretending to be deaf
frozen in disbelief
biting our tongue
holding our breath
limp arms down our sides
it couldn’t be
how could it be
wanting to unhear the word
but there it was
in all its ugliness
in the middle of the room
while the coat made its exit
that throbbing C word
loaded and sobering
resonating in our ears
leaving us in shock
Published in my 24-page photo/anthology ~THE POWER OF TWO~ 2020
AP: 1st place
Submitted on February 12, 2021 for contest ALL YOURS (FEB 14) sponsored by BRIAN STRAND
and October 3, 2020 for contest DEEP (001) sponsored by POET DESTROYER A
Originally posted on August 29, 2018
Copyright © Line Gauthier | Year Posted 2018
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