The Bull and the Matador
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The Bull and the Matador
Stalwartly, the bull gaits around
the confines of the arena ring;
snorting and displaying
piercing horns and muscle-bulk build.
For this he was bred and raised;
to be a champion of beasts,
and no matter where placed,
will claim as his domain and ferociously
defend until death, if necessary.
Then into the ring swaggeringly treads the matador
(flamboyantly dressed, touting a cape)
saluting the crowd, though calmly noticing
the bull, whose eyes appear red
from the blood gorging in its head.
“Estás loco!” scream the patrons packing the place.
(Thoroughly, enjoying every minute of this barbaric sport.)
“Ole! Ole!” They sing in unison in horrific overture,
encouraging the matador to kill the bull or vice versa.
Copyright © Dennis Spilchuk | Year Posted 2024
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