The Bridge
Time tells history
Of cobbles stone and pebbles
Of arch and arches that met
Life, sorrow and pain
There was link that connect
The old and the new stories
The path they have walked before
Still imprinting footprints today
The dust they have breathe before
Still the dust i have breathe today
The water under the old bridge
Never runs dry, it's the water that flows
Right before my very eyes
How many tears and laughter roll on the bridge
Countless memories had passed since time immemorial
The people who have passing has gone one by one
Yet, the bridge is the witness how it was portrayed
The bridge may transform from laying bricks
To the modern sophisticated of metal composition
But the purpose was not defeated and trampled
It's still connecting people, history, and commerce of life.
Copyright © Hugo Sarvida Jr. | Year Posted 2024
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