The Boys of Summer/ the Drug's of Wonder
They make asprin's to help ease pain of headache and body malfunction. So I have
a personal vendetta against the steroid-maker and performance enhanchers drugs
that these baseball player's and any other professional athelete's use to make them
stronger as they think-but end doing more to there psyche than the public image of
there particular sports. WHY(?) when the world is in dire-straight for the future gen-
eration that's to follow, of an idol. WHY(?) because millon's of dollar's are at staked
could that be reason enough, no I don't think so. The world of amature baseball is
blighted by the news of favorite athelete's admire by so many kids and adult's alike.
Now what do we do for a "Hero". Scar, by controversy over this enempt drug, will our
future generation copy the method of famous star's such as Barry Bond, Alex Rodriquez,
and so-so many other's. Stop making the "Damb-junk and your worse nightmire of some-
day loosing the game outright may never occur!!.
Copyright © John Streeter | Year Posted 2009
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