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The Box Office

Run to the box office and pick up the musical score, run to the box office the patrons are flooding the floors; you need more chairs to fill the open space, you need extra security guards at the door for the patrons are asking for more. Run to the box office the new movies are coming in, run to the box office new actors have joined the cast and the premiere is here at last, millions will view the films, and more celebrity will come in. Secure the box office near and far and get ready to join the social brawl, the films are good and the meanings are understood, the directions are unique and I am filled with awe and disbelief, the music is great, the acting is fine and the timing is divine, meet me at the box office at nine. Run to the box office and reserve all the seats, the multitude is coming to town and the long awaited miracle is found. Big ships are landing on the shores and fishermen are dancing around the dock, they have made a healthy catch and their daughters can wear new frocks, the visitors are dancing on the ships and the excitements have absorb the musical ships. Run to the box office and reserve your seats a week in advance, run to the box office and book some special seat for the prince and princes and their beloved children from France, Run to the box office and book a seat for me and you, you have never seen those films before and conscience is knocking on the door. They will raise your self-esteem and lead you closer to your dream, The multitude is streaming into the theater to see the new films and the films of old, they are well made and the Oscars are running out the gate. Run to the box office before it’s too late. You have got to make some new designs because someone’s credibility is on the line. The Oscars were design for men but now many of them are woman, I can see it on the screen the Oscars will be someone’s midnight dream. “Hello dear have you got your tickets yet? My friend bought it for me online and she suddenly broke down and cry; the tickets were expensive and enough were not available, the crowd was misgiving and I had to sing to finalize my booking, and when I finally got it, I jump up in the air three times and scream. Everything is on the board from movie to theatrical performance and musical score, everything, everywhere is booked out and hotel guest are sleeping on the floor, All of this will continue right through to the end of the year and Christmas will bring out the biggest crowd of the year; the multitude will pour to the theater in every country, island and territory, to see a slice of life on stage; it will bring peace and stability in the place. You can stream it on line or choose to stand in long theater lines. Open your bars, restaurant and pub and incorporate stand-up comedy for love, laughter and fun; comedians will invade street corners and you must donate to all the actors, they need money to buy their dinners and the fees for their keeps. They will tell you something to improve your lives and reduce the violence on the streets. Theater, drama, film and music will revolutionize your life and enlighten your modern world; shake the dust-off old drapes and expand your theater space; a multitude of people are waiting at the gate get your tickets at the box office before it is too late.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2024

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