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The Bow Maid's Travail/ the Archery Lesson

The archers’ line was straddled, By many a shapely calf. The Marshall called the nocking, And winked at the pretty lass. The Maiden drew the bowstring back, To her ruddy cheek, As she fired her fledgling flights; They heard the fair Maid "Eek!" Chorus "Sing Hey Ho, best beware! Hey Ho have a care, If ye've any pretty parts, Ye'll keep them out of there!" The bowman smiled and nodded, As the Maiden struck a pose. "Try again M'Darlin' Dear, "But watch out for y'er nose!" The Maiden rubbed her forearm, And looked back with a glare. Nocked another arrow shaft, And hit the bull's-eye square. Gentles all they tipped their hats. The Marshall cleared the field. The Maiden went to fetch her flights. The men trod close at heel. Returning with a manly stride, Yet again, she took her stance. The bowmen's eyes all glimmered, With mischief far in advance. Chorus Pulling back her bow string, To her crimson cheek so close, She let another arrow fly free. The string hit her in the nose! Tears welled in the Maiden's eyes. All the gentlemen rushed the Dear. Wiping the pretty lassies face, Of every single tear. They brushed the few stray auburn locks From before her green-brown eyes Handed her the fine longbow, And heard her sorrowful sighs, "Do try again M'Dear Mistress, But for your form we fear, So, be very, very, careful Maid! Keep those nipples out of there!" Chorus 'Twas 'pon the final flurry, As she drew string back to cheek; "Thwack" went the taunting bowstring, And again the Maiden "Eekked!" Her cheeks they blanched a deathly white, 'Pon her brow there came a frown; Still, when the Marshall called count; She gamely shot the round. "Sing Hey Ho, don't be scared, Hey Ho just take a care, 'Tis simply a friendly warning Not to put ye're pretty parts there!"

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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Date: 1/8/2009 5:09:00 PM
nice work...great rhythm and rhyme...[the poem I wrote doesn't mean anything about being afraid of dying it is a poem about feeling lost and in a whirl]...Maryam
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