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The Bon Vivants

The Bon Vivants held an important meeting at the restaurant. Happy faced Lauren, her BF Laurence, and her BFF Laurance Olivier queried: “What is it, what is the thing we all want?” Leaning back, Lauren -smoking hot and smoking -lip sticked lips caressing her Gitane -puffed, puffed, puffed smoke signals into the air, and sighed. “We want to be happy and satisfied, and snappy, since the sadness died. We want to move beyond the tears we’ve cried, and eat baked potatoes -versus French ones fried -maybe onion rings perhaps, though not French per se. But let’s not forgo the key: lime pie. Green, tart, and -oh -so- aromatic; in the right hands an art form over function -and clearly in conjunction with the mirth of the Bon Vivants Tribe.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2023

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Book: Reflection on the Important Things