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The Billabong Song Is Neither a Billboard Nor a Bull Breaking

A transparent parrot makes a very big noise when seed arrives to visit. Mr and Mrs seed have fifteen children, eleven thousand grandchildren and one great grandchild. It is interesting to note bar levels for bar levels are neither bare back riders, billionaires, biscuit barrels or broomsticks breaking beers. Carrier pigeons call most effectively in a midday heat whilst flapping to the air like a fly waving to a open sandwich. The sandwich gets quite upset when the flies do this for flies flake flesh and flesh is a mighty weight of acrobatic atomic applets. Apples seek shelter under umbrellas borrowed from the shoe basket in the hall. Then laugh as the humans cannot locate their weather protectors. It is very amusing when chatting to a mild mannered bin for bins contain waste and waste is often wise, witty and witters on and on wildly in a worldwide whorl. Great. How fantastic it is to ask for a cup of tea from a passing family of otters. Otters create the most marvellous of brews and unlike shrews they do not stew their brew. So never leave a hairbrush facing a window if it is painted with silver stripes for such a mistake will be noted by the otters whose fascination with windows and hairbrushes is often quite profound really. Self adjusting images rarely paint landscapes. And a field in a photo is simply philosifying about the growth of potatoe cake plants this year. Ghost of great girth cannot sit on a five centimetre window ledge. And the pretty unicorn in a cloud can canter across the skies at wonderful speeds. Fantastic isn't it. And now that you have learnt all of that it is time to prepare the curry said the little mouse on the turntable. Ok then. Good. Have you a biscuit to eat on the A52? Haha bibbing bubbling bursting brooks baking birthday balloons. Hahaha prism in a circumference equals a happy hexagonal mineral deposit. Traditional turning turbaned turbines. Windmill waltzing with willows. Xxxxx sacramentarianism. Z z z z Z. @ forty foot over a loch

Copyright © | Year Posted 2017

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