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The Bench In Central Park

On this dreary winter morning I sit on a bench in Central Park. Lost in my own thoughts of the conversation I had with my ex-wife and her last remarks. I keep asking myself is it my fault? What did I do wrong? The chilly wind fills my ears with it's endless song. I shiver slightly and goose bumps crawl along the back of my neck. Her words have left me an emotional wreck. I pull my leather jacket tighter around my shoulders. I feel it in my bones this day will get colder. I've seen several joggers getting in their morning run. That just shows people will continue their lives never mind the rays of the sun. So many thoughts running through my head. And I hold the morning newspaper I still haven't read. I contemplate over my life, it's not always easy, and so-called-friends can be the enemy. Even your spouse living in your house can betray you with infidelity. That is why my heart is aching like a cavity. Right now I'm doing my best to hang on to my sanity, but I really want to shout profanity. I notice an attractive couple hand-n-hand laughing and enjoying a morning stroll; and for some reason I can't control, I feel a sense of peace glow within my soul. My insecurities diminish from their dark hellhole. I begin to feel "whole," and suddenly this morning doesn't seem so cold. I get up from the bench shaking off the numbness that has set in. A very pretty woman walks by with her dog and I grin. She notices and smiles back. Wow! A kinda smile that is only meant for kodak! I watch her walk past me with her dog leading the way. Something tells me "you better not let this one get away." As I'm listening to my inner voice, she glances back over her shoulder, and I knew that she too was giving me a choice. Amazing how just several minutes ago my entire world seemed so dark. I now knew everything was going to be okay because of this bench in Central Park...... * 10th Place win in "Anything Goes" Contest sponsored by A Rambling Poet

Copyright © | Year Posted 2009

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Date: 1/11/2010 10:31:00 AM
Congratulations on your win in Constance's Anything Goes Contest One Jimmy. Love,Carol
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Date: 1/11/2010 9:38:00 AM
My warm congratulations to you, Popi for your admirable win in Constance's "Anything Goes" Contest!!! This should be an excerpt from one of your books in the not too distant future!!!! Great job as usual! I never tire of reading your writings. Like I've said repeatedly, your talent is raw and plenty!! You are a damn good writer and will become an even better one!! Keep on writing!! Tanto talento, mi amor! Audrey*Sunshine
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Date: 1/11/2010 12:05:00 AM
Life is but a stage...we never know what just lies ahead. Great writing and great story with an inspirational message right at the end. Congratulations on your win in constance's contest, Jimmy, and thank you for sharing your talent. Love, Lainie.
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Date: 1/3/2010 5:34:00 PM
Congratulations on your win in the "Anything Goes" contest! Excellent write my friend. Smiles from Lolita
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Date: 12/6/2009 10:50:00 PM
Great write Jimmy! Best wishes to you in the contest. Are you writing a book yet. This write tells me that somewhere within you is a great story to be told and that you know how to put it to paper when you are ready. Excellent imagery, very visual! Smiles from Lolita
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Date: 12/3/2009 6:28:00 AM
Well-written with excellent flow, Jimmy! Good luck in Contance's "Anything Goes" Contest! Peace and love, Audrey
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Date: 12/2/2009 11:42:00 AM
This is a wonderful narrative poem, I can picture this scene like a movie...beautifully written! Good luck in the contest! ~ Carrie
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Date: 12/2/2009 9:41:00 AM
Hi Jimmy, Such a beautifully written poem, so poetic very true to life. Going into my fav. You've brightend my smile here this morning. Awesome ending. I can see that your talent is just beginning to blossom. Thanks for sharing!! Take good care. Keep writing!! Love Light Patty
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Date: 12/2/2009 8:47:00 AM
I love this took me on a journey... the once married guy..trying to fault himself for everyhting.. the past.his past..the bench ,,it had to be that bench to help him see,, that life can be beautiful if with th right person..the happy couple,,we all dream of the happy couple,,when we are alone...then the girl walking her dog.. that moment the right person comes along and all the darkness comes to light,,even the bench in the park would smile:)Lovely poem,talented indeed-Charma
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Book: Reflection on the Important Things