The Beer Monster
I’m sat in the bar with a beer on the table
I’m gazing in rapt contemplation
I need to make sense of it if I am able
I must find a good explanation
My mate’s in the loo, so what am I to do
For there’s nobody here to bear witness
The bartender’s too busy serving a queue
And everyone minds their own business
Did nobody here see my icy cold beer
Grow hands and feet and a big head
It has seven eyes and a devilish sneer
“I dare you to drink me,” it said
It glared up at me with its mad bloodshot eyes
And then did a demonic dance
This amber hued beast of diminutive size
Is what put me into this trance
My God, now there’s two of them, clinking together
They no longer dance… but conspire
Each of them steps a bit closer to me
“Don’t tell or they’ll call you a liar.”
At last my mates coming and soon he’ll be here
He’ll flip at this hullabaloo
But now that beer monster is just plain old beer
I can’t even prove it to you
So I must now seek out a good explanation
Some facts into which I shall delve
Such as why it should happen to just this one beer…
and not to the previous twelve
Copyright © Terry Flood | Year Posted 2024
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