The Beauty of Sea
Ah! how beautiful you are
You are like the first love of honeybee
Whenever I see you, I feel a upward move
Breathing you call a light fever
Sunray gets a magic heart touching by you
Everybody waits to see the wavy boat on you
Singing a song on your land like a best ever gift
And the sky takes all the golden moment by you
I can see you at every twilight
I can breathe everyday by touching you
Yes, birds look more precious with you
Everything near you is a almighty love
Gripping a hand makes it more strong
The stars and moon send a new message everytime how they are
If I defeated, I want to see you once and everytime
You are my love like my thoughts
Like my travel to the mystery
Copyright © Animesh Chowdhury | Year Posted 2023
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