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The Beauty of Combat

Combat.... though morbid in nature, there is a sense of beauty.... for example - the bullet and it's chamber the slickness of steel, and the power of the trigger which together correlates the symphony of motion from the time the trigger is pulled, to the daunting escape of a bullet, and then finally to the penetration of it's victim..... Quite morbid... yet hauntingly beautiful..... Then come's the bullets quintessential cohorts The Chemical and The Armored Car (a Tank) The brutal barrage of steel cartage crashing into unstable masonry then the soothing smog of golden mustard gas... The echoed shrieks, the violent shakes, the bloody eyes and mucus filled noses whose violent episodes finally conclude when the eyes of death stare back at them... Quite morbid.... yet hauntingly beautiful.... The finally... how can we forget the noble foot soldier? his footsteps, silent to the earth.... out of the hysteria and chaos two men, two weapons, and a whirlwind of emotion nationalistic pride, paranoid fear, and scattered tranquility... A sign, as is to say.... "I don't want to fight, but I have to..." Which all correlates in the thrust of the bayonet a twinkle of blood, and then finally the gentle weeps... Quite morbid.... yet hauntingly beautiful....

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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Date: 11/29/2015 1:13:00 PM
Hhmmm...Your poem certainly invokes strong emotion in a person, Antonio. If that was your intention then you have achieved just that! Food for thought indeed. My best regards! :) john
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