The Banquet
Divinity is to me
the connecting link,
the evolution of energy.
and love, likewise,
the dissolution of separation,
the current between gaps,
the transfusion of forces,
creativity unbounded.
Out for a stroll,
I am caught up in
three heavenly visions:
a white cloud passing,
a maple fluttering,
and a hornet exploring.
and these divine voices:
the chirping of a finch,
hammering in a yard,
the sound of someone’s stereo.
In one common moment,
I am a communicant
in this feast of life—
its continuing burst
of expressions and ambitions,
its multifaceted forms.
Even the dancing Shiva
does not have the arms
to hold so much dear.
“Brother Sun; Sister Moon,”
This is joy undiluted—
we are each related
right to the core
down to the electrons
whizzing in us all.
Copyright © Carol Mays | Year Posted 2019
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