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The Ballad of the Internet Troll

Refrain: Beware ye netizens of the internet troll dare not feed it. just sigh and past it scroll I There dwell within the internet A vile creature with a rash wreath Who spews their venom From between their buck teeth II "Just ignore it!" Can we get a moderator before we're overran? Drive out this message board demon We'll squash this uprising with a ban! III Upon it's mind today "How canst I grieve them now? Shall I compare thee To a mountain goat or a sow?" Refrain IV Victim locked within the creature's sights It's piercing taunts Cause sleepless nights V Keyboard warriors To your stations Defend your brothers 'Gainst this infestation Refrain VI And what spy we With our IP tracker? Be it a troll or the resident hacker? VII But soft! What's that Here comes the beast! Quick insult his grammar or Upon our insecurities he'll feast Refrain VII And one by one By bullying the forum pest They beat him back and Drove him to his cheeto nest VIII Now he sulks and pouts Instead of hurling abuse Too afraid of the outside But still armed with excuse VIIII Soon! he promises And rubs his hands together with glee But his insults are flaccid And won't hurt a flea

Copyright © | Year Posted 2015

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