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The Babe, Ted Williams, and the Mick

Remembering the days way back when Baseball was what made life tick Lived and breathed that wonderful game With the Babe, Ted Williams, and the Mick Jackie Robinson breaking the colour barrier Sweet memories inhabit my brain Jackie was the absolute first hero of mine Brought equality to this time honoured game Stan Musial, Bob Feller, and Joe DiMaggio From a much simpler era, these names When salaries hadn't yet become astronomical They played for the love of the game How many remember the powerhouse Yankees Every year the cream of the crop They were always a perpetual Series contender Seemed like the Yanks were always on top Those days are gone but sure not forgotten In the recesses of this old mind Can still see Ted hitting one over the fence In my mind, it's nineteen-forty nine © Jack Ellison 2013

Copyright © | Year Posted 2013

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Date: 7/21/2013 3:47:00 PM
EXCELLENT..... but then look who wrote it....
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Jack Ellison
Date: 7/21/2013 6:38:00 PM
YOU are SWEET!!!!
Date: 7/21/2013 8:31:00 AM
Don't forget Stan The Man Musial in St. Louis... My Grandfather always had World Series Tickets... Dragon just doesn't understand... I told him it's like World of Warcraft and HALO today for him.
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Jack Ellison
Date: 7/21/2013 8:50:00 AM
Oh I remember "Stan The Man"... was the batting champion in the National League SEVEN times!!!
Date: 7/21/2013 6:17:00 AM
Those days are long gone save for the memories that are placed in people's heads...I have to say that honestly I wasn't around then, so I never got to see the greats play! My dad got to see a lot of them though...I got to see the Big Red Machine of '76, '77, and '78 that was fun, needless to say we are HUGE Cincinnati Reds fans...being we are from, and now live, in Ohio! I really enjoyed reading this amazing this awesome poem this morning! What a fun piece, Great work!!
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Jack Ellison
Date: 7/21/2013 6:39:00 PM
Oh for those good old days... I miss them! I definitely remember the Big Red Machine! Yee haw!

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