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The Art of Life

“The Art of Life” by: Eric L. Boddie Let me tell you something I hope you will understand Outside of God, family and women, words are the greatest passion for this man For they are derived from thoughts, and thoughts can never be forsaken Only The Good Ones Are From God, all others fall under satan Lowercased for there is no Love, Respect, not even hate for him in my prism All I have for him is nothingness, the truest sense of nihilism So I encourage each and every individual to become a free thinker Let it be as natural as before breaking for a turn, you simply click the blinker Who among us can tell me what year it is?....But how do you know? It is impossible to ever be certain if you were not there for the start of the show Will we ever realize that we ALL have Faith, be it Good or bad Mama introduced me To Christ, The Best Replacement For ANY missing dad So what do you Believe? Just who do you serve? Is your path one of material desire, or do you have the nerve? To not be the one in the mirror, but only the one in the heart It could be chaos, serenity or both, the only three forms of Living Art And whether if the altitude of the magnitude is prude, rude or crude To many do not think for self, and I REFUSE to be that dude

Copyright © | Year Posted 2020

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Date: 2/21/2022 3:24:00 AM
"So I encourage each and every individual to become a free thinker" - this is very important!! This poem should be widely read! Whatever you do, whatever you follow, whatever you preach; take sometime to think why you're doing it. Is it because you're just following faith or following that reflection in the mirror. Great great write. Something I always tell people but could never write in poetry!!!
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Date: 11/12/2021 12:34:00 PM
Great write. Enjoyed reading and I knew that I would. That creative Pen!!
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Date: 1/30/2021 6:57:00 PM
Lovely Read! Deep & from the Heart.... Your Heart is Wise.... You are a Blessed with such a gift... I agree there is no other road for me ... Night My Friend Nina
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Date: 8/27/2020 12:39:00 PM
... Wow ... follow your heart, my friend :) - A powerful poem - Nice to see you, Eric :) - hugs // Anne-Lise :)
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Date: 8/15/2020 1:11:00 PM
I'm glad you found a guide..its not easy for a boy to be without a dad, I can relate with you on that..
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Date: 8/14/2020 8:30:00 AM
Well said; the power of the mind and the spoken word (written, whatever) is the declaration of a pure heart when true to the Christ of our nature. Great writing my friend!
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Book: Radiant Verses: A Journey Through Inspiring Poetry