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The Arab Spring a Window of Humanity

It all began with a man who owns a cart, And the Tunisian government took it away. Now a martyr, having no idea what would start, The ‘Arab Spring’ began on that day, Causing the Tunisian leader to give way. The revolt then spread to neighboring Egypt. Thousands gathering in Tahrir Square, But President Mubarak refused to give up, So more and more people protested there, Until finally, was forced to leave his chair. By now revolts in Yemen, Libya, and Bahrain Spread like a forest fire, hotter by the hour. The electronic media is mostly to blame In organizing the revolt against those in power, And cleansing all corruption like a thundering shower. In Libya, there’s Gadhafi trying to hold on, With the thousands of people massed in forces, But the rebels have just gotten much too strong, With the aid of NATO changing their courses, Then Gadhafi: the next to fall to the ashes. Now in Syria, the government is fighting still To hold on to power and deny human rights, With the people trying to match their will, And spread humanity through the Damascus’ lights. How long will this last… how many nights? I now must understand, this will never end, As it started long before the man with the cart. It is human nature to fight and defend, Even at the cost of tearing everything apart And losing all love from his ever-changing heart. By Greg Stanley February 1, 2012 Modified on June 26, 2012

Copyright © | Year Posted 2012

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Date: 6/26/2012 1:45:00 PM
This was a pleasant poem Greg - true: "it is human nature to fight and defend" - oxox hugs Anne-Lise
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Date: 6/26/2012 1:31:00 PM
A powerful write! Yes, it is human nature to fight and defend--like this line! Thanks for sharing....Tanya
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