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The Andromeda Strain Part I: ILMO - my son

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Narrative   ---   2025 January 14

The Andromeda Strain: Season 1 [DVD]

I thought of writing about another High School Social Studies book report. This is an intriguing piece riddled with a complicated set of circumstances. I chose to write it as a short story as it fails in length. About the events that occurred after a military satellite fell from outer space, smack near the town of Piedmont, the night before, the quiet towns folk heard an eerie sound, and then they all seemed to have done strange things before they finally collapsed from where they stood. The military did an aerial surveillance of the small minor Arizona town whose population seemingly has died. A team tasked from an Air Force base was deployed to recover that military satellite that had returned to Earth, but then contact was lost abruptly with the recovery team. The Air Force base Duty Officer constructed an urgent call, using the code word "Wildfire." After he had explained the unusual circumstances surrounding the aftermath of the fallen military satellite. The base duty officer was advised that a team of 1969 hazmat suit surveyors, would scan the proximity and ascertain the spread of that clueless virus may extend effectively outward. Once its potentially deadly outreach has been outlined, then a team of scientists will signed to contain threats to all living nature as both beasts and birds suffer the same fate. The Wildfire team, Dr. Jeremy Stone, assessed that the satellite military upper echelon knowingly created the satellite to capture upper-atmosphere microorganisms for bio-weapon exploitation, and such being the premise, the military satellite achieved their intended purpose by having in their possession, deadly microorganisms that are fatal through nearly instantaneous blood-clotting. Yet preceding their demise, there is riddling evidence of suicidal chaos and mayhem performed before their actual deaths. Upon further investigation and to their surprise, there were two survivors. One was an elderly man, Peter Jackson who was addicted to Sterno. The other was a nonstop crying baby who was left to brawl assuming it was the reason for its survival of the deadly strain. That annoying reality was hard to swallow for the attending nurses. The covert subterranean Wildfire lab was a secure facility equipped with every known capacity for p..rotection against microorganisms escaping into the environment. Wildfire shares its secretive facility in a remote area near Flat Rock, Nevada. It is 60 miles from Las Vegas, Nevada. It is used by The Department of Agriculture. Wildfire supersedes authority, as they are empowered by the military, which takes over that underground facility. Although they are remote from the actual dropped site in Arizona. The military was successful in its proper concealment to make the highly secretive delivery to Nevada. Dr. Mark Hall undertook the task of unarming the rigged satellite there in the secluded part of the lab. He is the only team member with the proper credentials to fulfill the task. He is also unmarried, childless, and male, making him the perfect candidate. The military satellite hows the exterior damage likely caused by a small wayward meteorite, as it was not destroyed. The microbe proved to possess chemical elements required for terrestrial life. The microbe has a crystalline structure and Dr. Mark Hall undertook the task of unarming the rigged atellite there in the secluded part of the lab. He is the only team member with the proper credentials to fulfill the task. He is also unmarried, childless, and male, making him the perfect candidate. The military satellite shows the exterior damage likely caused by a small wayward meteorite, as it was not destroyed. The microbe proved to possess chemical elements required for terrestrial life. The microbe has a crystalline structure and Dr. Mark Hall undertook the task of unarming the rigged satellite there in the secluded part of the lab. He is the only team member with the proper credentials to fulfill the task. making him the perfect candidate. The military satellite hows the exterior damage likely caused by a small wayward meteorite, as it was not destroyed. The microbe proved to possess chemical elements required for terrestrial life. The microbe has a crystalline structure and Dr. Mark Hall undertook the task of unarming the rigged satellite there in the secluded part of the lab. He is the only team member with the proper credentials to fulfill the task. He is also unmarried, childless, and male, making him the perfect candidate. The military satellite shows the exterior damage likely caused by a small wayward meteorite, as it was not destroyed. The microbe proved to possess chemical elements required for terrestrial life. The microbe has a crystalline structure and Dr. Mark Hall undertook the task of unarming the rigged atellite there in the secluded part of the lab. He is the only team member with the proper credentials to fulfill the task.

Copyright © | Year Posted 2025

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